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WOW! Forum only Fifty Dollars and Includes a Replay so no reason not to sign up!

on Mon, 09/28/2020 - 13:03

What if everybuddy could be on the same page for a few hours on Friday, October 1st, 2020 and listen to great women share their insights? Might the world be a better place?

I can't help but think the answer would be a resounding, "Yes!"

Everybuddy participating live would be just that a buddy not only to those who are speaking, connecting with their energy and message but with all the others also taking in the information and relating to it in their unique way and sharing it with their world!

This idea of having WOW! Forum online has more perks than meet the eye and one I just heard of is that the replay will be sent to all who register!

Usually folks will charge an extra fee, maybe double for such a perk, but this is au gratis (F-R-E-E!) So your fifty bucks like the fifty states of the US of A-Miracle will really be lighting up plan-it heart, just when we're needing that most during the pandemic and the election season.

Why not get 50 of Your Friends to sign up directly or sponsor someone in another state to join in...and create a national network in the next few days to connect in this special way. With FB pages and so on others may want to take the WOW! Forum friends and others in their own networking direction, locally, nationally or shall we say Worldwide?

It only takes a few big hearted thinkers to go international nowadays. I am in the Yes to Success program with Deb Poneman..and I'll share my referral link if you email me at (and share the credit if you need it) in hopes you can catch one of her live talks and then join the Yes to Success 1.0 program to get a bigger sense of aligning with creative, caring values with a group which is empowering on many levels and has added live networking sessions (called Masterminds, but really it's a time to focus and share your wins of the past week and goals of the next one and hear how others are doing that too which again builds energy and accountability...)

I have done some great things I wouldn't have gotten to or really thought possible without that dynamic offering along with a lot of the amazing stories and inspirations some of which I share here on

The Yes to Success Program goes for a number of weeks which I feel helps pre-pave a sense of calm and connection for that month or two. I'm in the second level now and learning even more and connecting again with the folks who also share a Facebook page so I know they're never far away..and always positive and supportive!

Also online is Walking Our Talk public page on FB and for women, groups that meet online for 8 weeks. So Check that out since it's going from local to 'no limits' who can join in as women. Based in the Southwestern part of Massachusetts, the group has helped hundreds of women network locally which promoted a sense of community at deeper more responsive levels locally (spilling nicely into CT and over into rural Dutchess County NY...and I'd like to help that energy along with the community forums online keep growing to benefit every family, person, youth and elder and everyone with special needs and extra energy to feel valued and included and supported socially and hopefully in practical ways too. )

Dreaming Big is the name of the game to help everyone heal and feel optimistic about our options and times. So hope this is helpful and see you at one event or another or as I recount them here on my journaling out loud forum!

Here's a letter I sent to the WOW! Forum want to share with you as well.

I'll remind people of the replays of the  amazing 2020 WOW! Forum webinar (will that be for sale after the event as well?) I heard a great weekend program with Marianne Williamson and Jenn McLean and will share some highlights on my blog.
 Great to hear many speak of the shared journey women have had to discover their strength, talents, supports and success. It might be helpful to map out a timeline at some point in terms of women getting the vote 100 years ago not only to be independent but to be able to leave a marriage with their children (at least shared custody. )
Unfortunately recent studies show that is still not a given even in abusive relationships. That said Erin Merryn's law was passed in 2017 to educate youth in grade school and annually about sexual assault and safety tips.  That's Erin's Law. 
The work done by CA Protective Parents Assoc.(CPPA) and Battered Mothers Custody Conference(BMCC) is informing policy to prioritize children's safety in custody cases.  Most would think that happens but the property rights of men have trumped human rights for decades. Now advocates in every state are seeking ways to reform that, but it's a long uphill battle.
 I suggest more education Before dating, mating, having a child, living with a person, getting legally married, moving away from social and family supports and so much more to prevent a downward spiral of loss of control or being 'unprepared for the What Ifs' and not recognizing the warning signs.
 Not unlike alcoholism or other addictions, being with an abusive 'person in one's life' (not 'partner since that term doesn't accurately apply nor does spouse other than legal spouse or a biological parent rather than a father or mother who is abusive...) 
That can help people get the heads up that society is looking to value each life equally and fairly under the law, not allow for abuse of human rights and educate society about everyone's role as bystander, public citizen or private citizen having ways to assess and address matters with advocacy and support for safety.  Thanks again and of course, safe and happy Wow! Forum for all. Best, Catherine
PS I recall Catherine Takacs as a ballet star there at Nutmeg as I'm sure many do. So amazing what she's achieved but not surprising.
PPS Another couple of great resources all can enjoy are for a low feel to be part of the online site...and then fairly low fees for group membership (which I need to pay today actually) and art and other programs for encouragement to allow your process and make your journey your own!