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Battered Mothers Custody Conference

WOW! Forum only Fifty Dollars and Includes a Replay so no reason not to sign up!

on Mon, 09/28/2020 - 13:03

What if everybuddy could be on the same page for a few hours on Friday, October 1st, 2020 and listen to great women share their insights? Might the world be a better place?

I can't help but think the answer would be a resounding, "Yes!"

Everybuddy participating live would be just that a buddy not only to those who are speaking, connecting with their energy and message but with all the others also taking in the information and relating to it in their unique way and sharing it with their world!

This idea of having WOW!

Civic Research Institute shares Domestic Violence Report articles and newsletters

on Mon, 05/18/2020 - 17:59


"Mothers Risk Loss of Custody in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Abuse Allegations" by Attorney Joan Meier and others important for all states to clarify these pressing matters and make appropriate changes to safeguard people, particularly abused mothers and children so they can have their human rights of safety, connection and decent living conditions respected.

There is a great deal of advocacy for 'shared parenting' and yet  should not be sought (even by parting parents who think it

Unlocking Justice book by Karin Huffer, and Legal Abuse Course to be a Certified Advocate online

on Sun, 04/14/2019 - 02:50

In the course of learning about the miserable uphill battles many protective parents, generally mothers, may face in gaining custody of their minor children face, I attended the Battered Mothers Custody Conference a few times in the past decade. I met Karin Huffer there as she was a presenter who travelled from out West to NY.

She was developing a course to train people to be advocates for people facing the courts yet being compromised by 'legal abuse syndrome' whether they had identified disabilities or developed PTSD behaviors due to the stress of the court process.

A Few Deep Breaths and Considerations about The Tragedies That Befall Some (and Affect their Communities Far and Wide)

on Wed, 04/03/2019 - 15:14

Dear Northwest Corner of CT, and Tri-Corner MA/NY/ CT Residents and Visitors, 
Our area has sadly been through the difficult unexpected violent loss of five people. Apparently one disturbed (and possibly depressed) man took the lives of his legal wife and their biological children in mid March of 2019. Many courageous volunteer rescue workers and police responded professionally, skillfully and compassionately.

The entire Sheffield MA community, particularly the local school and neighborhood of the amazing talented and caring mother and the twin 7-year old children who attended and their

From Composting to Composing A Life With a Healing, Safety Plan for US All, One Village at a Time!

on Sat, 06/23/2018 - 03:40

This response to a talk about composting coming up in Sharon CT on June 30th, 2018, got me thinking of some 'heads up' tips to be safe and practical first while composting and equally so when composing a sensible and team-oriented life plan with agreements and networking.

Composting is great..but it's important to consider who else might enjoy your organic cuisine...raccoons, foxes and maybe a bear? With the barrel maybe that's safe enough but an open pile may attract critters...oh yes, skunks and more so put it far enough from your home so you feel 'at home in your house and yard...'

