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From International African Arts Festival in Brooklyn NY to Watching the Boston Fireworks Live Online...Happy 4th of July far and wide!

on Wed, 07/05/2017 - 03:01

 Colorful outfits for women, men and children literally flowed out of dozens of tents at the IAAF in Brooklyn NY over the Fourth of July Weekend throug Tuesday, July 4th, 2017. Plenty of African Americans and some from African countries, islands and other countries donned their 'African royale' garb with complex patterns in bright oranges, blues, greens, purples and a palette of other dynamic colors..

Add to that the music from many branches of the African traditions and modern cultures from drumming, to jazz and blues, Latin Samba and singing, dance and other arts, finding their way into

"What If I Had A Dream...." A New Foundation to Help Us Think Out Loud and Live More Fully

on Sun, 06/04/2017 - 12:51

While freedom of speech is "an American right", we are getting into a lot of Hot Water, Deep Doo and Big Trouble in our lives when speaking (or tweeting or even blogging, FBing--facebooking, and socializing freely.) In part this trouble is happening because Different Rules and Laws Apply to Where and When one can 'speak freely.' One cannot for instance yell "Fire" in a theatre or public place if there is no fire (and maybe even if there is...I need to google that.) That is because people have been killed in stampedes (even from rock concerts or shopping spree sales without an emergency, so

Helping the Homeless, those in Transitions, Wrongfully Put in Prison and Preventing Abuse (all in one post for your advocacy convenience for self and others..)

on Wed, 06/15/2016 - 13:27

I've met many a homeless in the NYC area and a few in Great Barrington MA and the MA/NY CT try-corner area and hope others are keeping an eye on 
any homeless (or houseless, even though one may or does own a house... but just doesn't or can't live in it.)

Maybe a few more folks offering help such as a van he could sit in or put his stuff in and transport from one end of town to the other from time to time would be welcome..just one or two nice folks helping him and maybe a few others could help turn the tide of his situation where there have been bumps in the road.

There are news articles

Speaking about Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention Centers in the MA/NY CT area and beyond.. Plus How Schools, Faith and Sport Groups can All Wise Up to the Huge Burden of Abusers to a Town, State and Country like US!

on Wed, 05/25/2016 - 17:20

Every school serves as a second home to the Families of students in a town. Not legally but the boundaries are becoming more permeable. Families need the support from town and state groups.

They also need special consideration from Non- profits such as DV (Domestic Violence) centers, arts, camps and other  youth and family service groups such as Scouts, 4H, and clubs, as well as faith groups--which should all be gateway groups for women and children who  need help Men also deserve support likely from their Family of Origin Issues.

Those past if not present relationships  could likely

Do You Ever Wish Your Sweet BeYOUtoFull Self a Harmonious Happy Birthday?! Try It, It's Fun (and good for your memory and sense of joie de vivre inside and out) from 2/1963-05-14 (which makes this growing younger soul 53)

on Sat, 05/14/2016 - 15:39

 When I started this blog it was birthday time for me...and do it is again, May 14th, 2016 (or with my new system of coding 2(for female)-1963-05-14 and in terms of a Birth mother of one male and three females, my code is 1-(for category of males whichis listed first)1(number of sons)then a comma and,2-(for category of females which is listed second) 3(for number of daughters). That can be listed with my gender as follows 2/1-1,2-3, If I wanted to include my birthyear (and month and day all in that order) with number of children I bore, that would be 2/1963-05-14/1-1,2-3.

As many know with
