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Elsa Newman

Helping the Homeless, those in Transitions, Wrongfully Put in Prison and Preventing Abuse (all in one post for your advocacy convenience for self and others..)

on Wed, 06/15/2016 - 13:27

I've met many a homeless in the NYC area and a few in Great Barrington MA and the MA/NY CT try-corner area and hope others are keeping an eye on 
any homeless (or houseless, even though one may or does own a house... but just doesn't or can't live in it.)

Maybe a few more folks offering help such as a van he could sit in or put his stuff in and transport from one end of town to the other from time to time would be welcome..just one or two nice folks helping him and maybe a few others could help turn the tide of his situation where there have been bumps in the road.

There are news articles