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CA Protective Parents Association

Fresh Starts and Second Chances in 2022 for US of A-Miracle The World Over

on Thu, 01/27/2022 - 18:47
To the Editor:
With January 2022 fully underway and plenty in the air to remind people we need
to plan to stay healthy, productive and connected with more awareness, we can
deem this year one of Fresh Starts and Second Chances.
That may mean many
things to people to assess and pursue goals on a personal, family and social level,
school and work level and with wider world concerns and efforts as well. Where
might we start or focus to make the most of our time together whether online,
in our neighborhoods, towns, states and wider regions? 
The concerns most are tuning into understand the interplay of

When a Protective Mom Was Arrested When Having A Seizure in PA and Other Concerns for All to Learn About

on Mon, 12/02/2019 - 20:09

While we have more advocacy to help prevent drug use and abuse (often one leads to the other by the way...), the family custody court crimes and conflicts generally fall short of the radar. That said, more grassroots and non-profits are working hard to bring serious concerns to light. See more on CA Protective Parents Association site. 

These issues are a shared concern (see  the former US House Resolution 72 which set a national guideline to give victims, generally the moms, of abuse initial custody of children without needing to have proof of the abuse.

Every state would have to align

Let Eric Garner's life and death..and Our Country Breathe New Life Into Our Systems and Beings

on Tue, 08/20/2019 - 18:19
To Whom It May Concern or The Editor:
Current headlines are detailing outcomes from the tragedy of Eric Garner being put in a choke hold by one policeman, who had recently been dismissed from his job, with others present five years ago. Everyone can take a moment of silence and consider how 'one man's life moved the nation,particularly with the the banned choke hold  resulting in him calling out 11 times, "I Can't Breathe!"
The efforts of his family, including his six children and particularly late daughter Erica who was a vigilant advocate as is his mother Gwen Carr, and his well-spoken

In response to the saying "Don't raise your daughter to look for a Knight, Raise her to use the sword herself..."

on Mon, 08/19/2019 - 18:52

I like to encourage everyone to 'use words to help put down the swords of despair, anger, harm and misery....' So definitely want to rear people of all genders to 'use words (which may come in the form of silence, journaling, sharing anonymously, online or off (with clarity and safety about whose who for real and of course many ways to talk 'in person' with the right setting and supervision, support and 'script' for understanding what one can express legally and reasonably without repercussions.)....

Basically the last bastion of freedom is being 'picked to the bone', often with others doing