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Find More Help and Know Your Are Not Alone...Lots of Support for Life's Ups and Downs and Bumps in the Road

on Thu, 04/01/2021 - 13:53

No matter our age or stage of life, there are important things to consider about one's emotional, social, mental, cognitive abilities. If someone is sick from the flu or just not feeling well, if taking pain meds or having physical challenges, there may be short term needs for support...a bit like some with dementia need from time to time or on a more regular basis.]\

 Learn about NAMI too, National Alliance on Mental Illness and all they offer people whose family members have mental illness or for other community supports.

Exploring the insights of Barbara Marciniak about the Pleiadians...

on Wed, 04/11/2018 - 02:24

I am listening to this talk having read a book a decade ago by Barbara Marciniak, and am happy to hear her speak. The theories are similar to many others of the 'new age' or however we would describe these new ideas for our modern American world ..and yes, the rest of the world too. Basically 'actions have consequences'...and we have choices sometimes 'to start all over again.' Jane Roberts wrote The Educations of Oversoul Seven (if I am hearing that right...)

This has theories about miscarriages and other concerns.

To have Dementia or Not? That is the ? not easily answered!

on Fri, 10/11/2013 - 21:33

Taking a class at Noble Horizons in Salisbury CT on Alzheimer's (still room if interested Wed.s in Oct 2013) made it clear there is not an quick easy way to tell if someone has dementia or what kind. A lot of symptoms have to do with people losing aspects of their memory, which is located in various parts of the brain.

Some may not recognize people, others forget names and still others (or with some overlap) may get lost or have problems doing things they used to with their hands or following directions, staying organized or keeping up with ADL (activities of daily living). Good screenings