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Fathers in June

Help Spread the New Kind of Cool: SLOW DOWN and Live! Thanks to Moms in May and Dads in June for Driving Reasonably!

on Sat, 04/25/2015 - 21:12

My idea to share freely (but pls give me credit and a cut of profits...let's talk) is to have everyone consider their OPTIONS for driving or riding bikes to be Voluntarily Safer and More Conscious.

When you  are getting in your car, think of the Grateful Dead song..There is a road, a simple highway..and stay calm and drive reasonably, which for most will mean looking at their speedometer and slowing down to avoid a ticket which can run $100-200 and up easily, as can running a red light or stop sign..

Read on and Wise up as I've had a chance to do even with a minimal amount of driving in my