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Kaelan Palmer Paton River Rescuer Effort

If You Could Do Whatever You Wanted Without Question or Pause...Would You Really Want That?! (Even if you were hurting others, yourself, your relationships and integrity and potentially landing in jail or a psych center?)

on Sat, 02/04/2017 - 15:11

We've all heard there are 'laws to the universe'.Some like gravity are fairly obvious as when a baby rolls over and bumps his or her head on a hard floor (or falls backward from sitting due to a turn or even imitating someone doing  a backward roll which did happen once, so be careful what little ones see..."Baby see, baby do."

Even kids watching television or online things try dangerous things, and yes, sadly I met someone whose child tried to do a pretend choking stunt but actually died.She was going to advocate for laws against such media stunts.

That is another area where Parents and