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Mount Everett High School in Sheffield MA

Hot Topics on Northwest Corner Chatter (of CT)...How to Keep Small Public Schools (and Towns who need Volunteers on Boards and for Fire and Ambulance Squads)Up and Running

on Wed, 10/09/2019 - 20:50

Marshall Miles and Others 'tells it like it is'. Enrollment in a six town region in the northwest corner of CT has gone down in a year by 66 students. The numbers were low and declining anyway...and the worry is that may continue. How can things be turned around? Some schools allow students to attend for only $2K even though the per pupil cost is $20-30K (adding in the cost of maintaining the schools and the set salaries of teachers in CT as well as special ed student costs which can be this is only for those going into the classroom I'm guessing.)

There is a lot to consider and