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One Great Brain at a Time (with a Good Heart of course and the two are related!)

Lookin' Good in 2022, Does that Feel True for You? Try Braintime (free trial even) to make that Good Feeling (and Brain Fun-ctioning) A Regular Modus Operandi!

on Fri, 01/14/2022 - 15:54

Thanks to all who are tuning into the amazing benefit of Learning About Brain Function (and yes, that's FUN-ction too!) Most know the basic tips to get and benefit from good sleep as well as regular healthy habits of healthy eating, some exercise, slow deep breathing (and some say through the nose helps with that too especially if prone to shallow breathing, but that's another story...)

But who couldn't use a little 'inside track' help...and you can't get much more inside with ease than listening to the simple sounds and questions on the short braintime program site.