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Petit Family Foundation

Times of Remembrance of Tom, Kaelan, and Others..The Meanings and Connections

on Thu, 07/21/2016 - 21:33

When My Friend and Home Care Client Tom Drew Went Missing July 21, 2007 just before The Petit Family Tragedy, And Later When Our Teen Son Kaelan Crossed Over June 16, 2009-Reflections and Lessons yet to be shared

A day of learning for US All nine years ago today.. when Tom Drew, 91, went missing in Salisbury Ct 7-21-07 at about 7:20pm...and another sadly when the Petit Family suffered their tragedy on the following two days, on 7-22 and 7-23-07. Other posts on this blog and in the media review the main points of the situations as well as that of my son Kaelan trying to rescue a friend from