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Productions that Matter..from Kids to Caring Communities and Faith Groups!

October 16th, 2021...A Night of Great Productions! Kudos to the Warner Theatre's International Playwrights Festival...Year 10 and to all creating beautiful things (and kids too!)

on Sun, 10/17/2021 - 04:21

After ushing for over a decade at the Warner Theatre, I couldn't keep from going to the 10th International Playwright's Festival which wrapped up tonight (a two night event.) This year was a review of about 10 plays selected from the 111 over the past ten years! Talk about "Awesome!"

They covered characters of all ages, (child to adult but even a young adult questioning where her birth father 'who loved her mom, wore a red bandana and wanted to name a daughter Sara Lee ...which was the name of the girl he met at Magnolia and Pine in his old stomping ground.