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Lighting a Candle for Safety and Recovery in Texas...May each have rest and be assured of a brighter, better time

on Thu, 08/31/2017 - 02:52

Somehow I did not tune into the news of the Houston flooding in a timely manner to see the very disturbing video of the highways and land flooded beyond what anyone imagined. The main news that most people were safe and being rescued by others was heartening. I watched a short piece now of the Governor of Texas saying things were going well given the pressures, because Texans were helping Texans and receiving help from the National Guard and others around the country. The news of 18 having died during the flooding however was sad news indeed.

A police officer who had served 34 years was

And a few more dreams after the time-travel one a couple nights ago...

on Mon, 02/06/2017 - 19:41

While hard to stay up past ten for me to watch the exciting overtime finale of the Super Bowl, I managed and was thrilled to see the way-cool player charging toward the end line and managing to get the Ball over the line  while still in hand which qualified as a touchdown. I am a newbie to the game but got to hear that clarification about 'what makes a touchdown'.

I thought that must have been one of the better games and again heard that was indeed the case given many stats for players, a coach and the odds of 1 in 191 that the Patriots or any team could have recovered from the other team's,