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remembering loved ones

When A Friend Asked that We Repost on FB a story about How We've Lost Many To Cancer and How Difficult The Disease Is, Many Showed Support

on Fri, 02/02/2018 - 22:27

Here is my response to our friend and public personality in our small towns of CT who posted that as one commenter shared, #CancerSucks.That is shared in the spirit of digging deep into the miserable reality of anyone hearing the news, getting treatments that have their own side effects and impact, and then sadly for those succumbing to the illness which can seem merciless.

We could share in memory of those who died from it, and likely we could all come up with a list of our top ten people, and another ten and even more if we were in support groups or at events such as Relay For Life to

$hopping that Makes You Feel Good (and Does Good for Others Too!) Check out these sites and Plan to Partner with Them for Quality Crafts and More!

on Mon, 12/11/2017 - 01:23

"Give Where You Live" is what the Brooklyn Community Foundation radio ad encouraged, so why not plan to do more of that and support artists whether locally or a bit farther afield. Here are some amazing folks I've met at fairs and local venues to the CT-NY area. Feel free to share your contact info if you do something that helps your artist self or benefits others. Also see for ideas to let other support you in doing your special work and getting credit for it.

I hope to do that soon for some of my projects, getting sponsors to grease the wheels.

The Ties that Bind...Community, Schools, Public Well-Being from Towns to States and Beyond

on Sat, 09/23/2017 - 12:50

After learning that the Housatonic Valley Regional High School in Fals Village CT received an award for a stellar design in the state, I was inspired to post this on a FB comment and continue on from there.

The new book by Daniel Pink, A Whole New Mind ( I think that's the title) speaks about allowing more insights from the right side of the brain come through for our collective benefit--according to a summary from someone and yes, I hope to at least thumb through that book and Deepak Chopra's You are the Universe (if memory serves..and he's offering great programs online including one with

Reflections on the Fall 2015 Season Events from a FB memorial page

on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 19:09

Pardon the ways this article repeats..there's a bug in my computer:

Just reflecting on many events and breeze through as you may like and Greetings to Your Family, Friends and Tribe from me and mine through the new year ahead, with all the possibilities ahead (including in the realm of personal care and growth, teamwork, politics, faith and healing on all levels for people, animals, nature and plan-it heart..may that be so.

Hugs and handshakes all around to those here, those who have journeyed on and those yet to come into our lives or onto planet Heart (8 billion hearts beating