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A Safe Mom and Her Child Were Walking Out of Court

Fifteen Years and Hundreds of Thousands of Children Needing Protective Parents (mainly their Moms...) But the Courts Often Said, "No!" How can that be?!

on Tue, 03/22/2022 - 19:28

If anyone wants to learn about the ways being a victims of domestic abuse 
plays out in a custody concern, tune into the zoom option of this 
special event (in its 15th year) or attend if needing support or wanting to help the cause! 

 See the former post on the next The Battered Mothers Custody Conference (with info online

and on youtube maybe) also with 

many resources (CA Protective Parents, Duluth and More on their site.)

 Preventing Abuse can be a shared
endeavor (even among reformed abusive people, systems and those
seeking to not go down that path, often with serious