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same with other wild life that can be harmful

Do not feed the bears and Don't feed Coyotes or other wildlife...3,000 Coyotes in CT, Helpful to report to DEP for tracking. Legal to kill if coyote attacking pets or livestock (but take precautions please)

on Sat, 02/20/2021 - 19:52

 Here are a few pointers from the talk today.Key to the success is sharing this information in your local and wider areas!

Ginny Apple of the CT DEP gave a talk online on zoom via the DM Hunt Library in Falls Village  CT. She shared many basic facts about their species and behavior. Pups are born in the spring in litters of about 7 and becoming mobile by six weeks. She shared many photos and some sound bites as well as stories that some people feed wild life (foxes, coyote and others) that diminish the more natural distancing and is not a good idea.

Eliminate access to compost piles with