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Sleep Well

Sunday, September 20th, 2020 A Special Day Starting With This Post for Me and Hopefully You can Enjoy As Well! Top of the Day to You All in the Youniverse!

on Sun, 09/20/2020 - 14:13

Here's one of many talks online to help people tune into the gifts of being human..
Most say 'everybody has all the capacities, and some develop them more along the way inĀ  one area or another...'

As we learn to tune into our own experience, with the 'inside info as it were'..our life experiences, connections with family, friends, communities over time (teachers in school, other relatives and parents and people who helped nurture us in the first decade or two of life..and then some...)

Well, we have a lot to be grateful for in the human and divine realm, with nature and the support of our