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Taking It To the Streets Safely and With Improved Practices by Walkers and Drivers

Let's Hold Hands can be the Mantra for Adults and Kids Going Places, Doing Things and Getting Back to Cars and Places Safely!

on Sun, 02/13/2022 - 17:29

As for another Hot Topic on a Small Town Forum... See the second half of this post: speeding in residential neighborhoods, near schools and libraries, What's a Mom, Kid or Concerned Person to do? Here are a few tips that can be shared widely...written by me, Catherine Palmer Paton, to help keep 'accidents' and collisions from happening or being worse than need be if truly not preventable..

.If the worst happens, my sincere condolences and support for you to take deep breaths, sit down, be open to guidance and think calmly with your hand on your heart.