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Talks on Health and Good Food

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on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 18:42

Great women talking and info about menopause is online. Don't miss out. I'll add some of the pros and tips as I learn.

Feel free to share your own ideas and sites in the comments too. Not responsible for any info or health advice given on this or other sites linked to mine.

Check with your doctor and don't make changes on or off meds, foods, exercise etc without medical advice.

Thanks and enjoy marching through March, and the rest of the year and life (including menopause if that's on your path). Kudos to one and all to stay strong and live well and long!

 Update--great talks and sites to

What the Shrek, why not be a nice instead of a mean ogre? A "bucket filler instead of a bucket spiller" (as the Bucket Filler Book suggests). Notes about The Enneagram too as a bonus!

on Fri, 04/11/2014 - 18:11

 While we live in sleepy kind of town, when we're reay to have fun, watch out. All the kids and even some growed-ups get into costume and put on quite a show at the Falls Village Children's Theatre or the local HoUSAtonic High School. Really, groups from both do a great job and welcome dough-nations and even donuts as one may fell led, fyi.

A cute line in Shrek the Musical is that Shrek and Donkey go together "like donuts and diabetes" which could help more folks choose not to pick up said donuts and thus steer away from a path of diabetes!