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Sharing a Letter Verbatim from the President of Vassar College, Elizabeth H. Bradley

on Thu, 02/11/2021 - 16:20

Please note: this message was sent by President Elizabeth H. Bradley to the Vassar campus community earlier today.


Dear all,

Many of you have likely heard about the surge in attacks on Asian Americans being reported in the news and on social media. These attacks demonstrate an ugly xenophobia and racial prejudice that persists in our country today.


These events are deeply saddening and we at the College condemn such hatred and bigotry. From the start of the pandemic, anti-Asian violence has increased; we denounce such violence at every turn.


As one student pointed out to me today, she and too

Every Little Step inspiring me to remember the joy (and work) of dance...and great appreciation for dance performers everywhere...!

on Wed, 02/10/2021 - 19:52 Came across this and got a nice reprieve from the Trump Impeachment Trial..Definitely a defining moment in our country after the alarming, tragic January 2th, 2021 events in DC.

So now we'll see what comes of all that led up to that day with the film clips and recordings being offered to give evidence that Trump was intending a violent protest and not trying to quell millions of dollars worth of ads that were touting that the election was stolen.

Now back to the try-out show for Chorus Line.

Views of a Catholic Priest- Scientist about COVID vaccine...Sent by a friend to me now to you

on Wed, 02/10/2021 - 16:20 Holds a batch of information and opinions by a priest who has a science background as well and is working on the frontlines of managing things related to the COVID concerns in the Phillipines.

Who'd Think to Use A BrainTime Link? Worth a free month, so a win-win!

on Tue, 02/09/2021 - 03:41

With  various school schedules and plenty of 'extra things to consider due to the pandemic', who couldn't use more support to reduce stress, have better emotional health and great sleep?

One membership can benefit an entire household, so trying BrainTime programs for a month may be one of the best 'moves' a family makes while not leaving home.

For a monthly membership for improving mood, the link is  For a savings, the link for an annual membership for that program is as follows:

Many Are Eager Beavers to Get the COVID Vaccine, Others Saying "Not So Fast and For Everyone..."

on Sun, 02/07/2021 - 14:38 came recommended with the video called The Stand which one finds scrolling down after the first three when one clicks 'More Videos'. Here's one person's take on that who was about to get the vaccine and is doing more research...and I quote but did not watch this yet but have seen similar points made..."I thought the information was pretty good and very interesting.  Lots of material for further research.
