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How About More Thorough Planning About When To Go To School and When Not To for Safety Due to Weather and Road Conditions...anyone?

on Tue, 01/26/2021 - 01:04
Schools for kids and teens need to meet a certain number of days per year and basically kids are expected to show up or be penalized if they do not have a valid reason (medical sickness etc of other excused absence usually with documentation...) The ideas here (as in other posts) are to prioritize safety if there is a storm, snow with ice or other worries like high winds etc predicted.
At which point would we want to really make sense of these competing factors...learning and travelling safely and staying alive and well.

Gifts and Blessings..Even from Bruises and Hard-won Lessons

on Mon, 01/25/2021 - 15:43

The 'storming of the Capitol', the Insurrection, the Confusion and Abadonment of Protectors in a dire situation and many people's greatest hour of need...What can we learn from all of this as people in the year of 2021 in America, the digital age and the modern world?

Does it seem familiar in terms of a crimes of attack, home invasions, kidnappings 'in broad daylight' or in ways no one saw coming (aside from the FBI apparently who did give warnings but the Powers That Be did not heed...Maybe That is a big puzzle piece to pay attention and start with.)

Sadly much of what transpired seemed

Out takes from the Big Show of Fireworks in 2021...Can we find other ways to celebrate with creativity and care, talent and bigger ways to share?

on Thu, 01/21/2021 - 14:46
Rather awesome Inauguration...(aside from too many fireworks for these climate and economic times...) Maybe more can be done with light shows and using footage of other fireworks to create the same look on TV and such and have a few live ones in future firework events. Overall, thought things went quite well...I put some parts of Pres. Biden's speech on my blog, too. Best to all in this new inspiring time...



Let's Start Fresh in 2021... Enjoy a new program online Living Your Best Life With Patti Johnson!

on Wed, 01/20/2021 - 18:57 This will be one program I keep tabs on and get tips from to get this exciting 2021. Best to all as I get some stuff done. I'm hearing the idea that female hormones affect our health, personal experiences and social ties, so tune in if you are a female or have one in your circles...While on the topic, check out what wisdom is shared by too. Many others sprinkled throughout this exciting timely blog too (and ones on wordpress and too)

President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr giving His First Speech: Touting Cause of Democracy

on Wed, 01/20/2021 - 17:15

For those who may not have a way to view the Inauguration, Joe Biden is now President and mentioned he honors Jimmy Carter who couldn't attend in the fist part of a half hour talk he is giving. The National Anthem was sung by Lady Gaga (in a poofy hooped red ballroom type dress, her fashion choice. Jennifer Lopez sang This Land is Your Land...)

The pledge was said. I did some creative dance during these first parts...hoping to send out more healing 'meeting of minds and hearts' energy. Joe Biden is speaking about Unity.
