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admin's blog

Reflecting on Turning Our Earth Ship (and Hearts and Common Sense) Around in Time to Save Many More and Evolve with Love....

on Mon, 11/21/2022 - 00:31

Thank you for your efforts, Greg O'Brien with your message to the world called Different Shades (of humans, not different hearts and energies when reflecting on the care and courage people showed who survived 9/11/01.) here are comments and more thoughts added in response to the sharing on youtube.

Take a moment (and get ready to be moved... about the actual events..not the causes and such, just what humanithy went through... and know that everyone finds themselves in a dire situation of danger or loss or other disturbing news that can rock one's world...and

Ideas For Housing and More on Great Barrington Forum... More help needed for those basics!

on Sat, 11/19/2022 - 18:05
With many people thinking on these issues 'full time' in terms of having 'independent advocacy groups' and even people 'adopting a person/family' to understand the challenges and ideally find about 30 people who would 'see each other through' in many ways with meeting basic help and sharing some resources, there can be new models created along with what the societal and even non-profit norms are.
Permaculture looks at ways people have met basic needs and hopefully our laws would allow for more people to join efforts, mainly online but also in practical ways, to learn those skills.

This Veterans' Day, Thanking All Who Served in Military and Other Parts of Life too, maybe all of us really!

on Fri, 11/11/2022 - 17:39

A moment of thanks and reflection (among many) for all people have done to live with care and respect, courage and more. Many who have been braved or been harmed (however) in the challenges and battles of life (which come in many forms) can be counted in the circle of those who 'fought the good fight' to live fully and then possibly paid it forward, even with injury or total loss of life to help others, or as organ donors to help others...

Those 'choices or paths were possibly planned with many angelic guides long maybe from a time long before they took human form some theories and people

Sharing Good News About Fuel Assistance and Other Programs. Check with Your Town Social Worker too for more info if needed!

on Thu, 11/10/2022 - 02:02
The application period for the 2022-2023 winter season of the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) is now open! This program provides crucial support to vulnerable Connecticut  homeowners and renters with the costs of heating their homes.
If you are interested, there are several ways to submit your application: 
  • Online at
  • Call the office of your local community action agency and request assistance applying, or schedule an in-person appointment  
  • Download and complete the CEAP application, and mail the completed application with the required documents to your and Safe&TogetherInstitute Game-Changers for Victims and Agencies to Prevent and Address Abuse

on Tue, 11/08/2022 - 16:22

Learn more about resources for all domestic violence agencies and advocates (even community based learning opportunities...) from (free resources and trainings online to grow the wisdom and network to be better prepared to help oneself and others appropriately, as is safe and with other supports.) Somehow I found this site and feel it's a game-changer for many...especially giving a beacon of hope to many in rural areas or places they cannot find info or help easily! 

This is a description of an upcoming program they are offering for agencies and maybe others as
