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admin's blog

Just What DV Agencies and Really All Citizens Need: More Support for Learning and Mapping Patterns to Prevent Crimes and More

on Tue, 11/01/2022 - 04:41

So with trick-or-treating pretty much finished up across the USA, let's find ways to keep Treating Everyone With Care and Kindness, the way one would like to be treated! That said if someone is 'off base' or WOB, "Way Off Base" it can be helpful to learn more about what's going on. See the training and info offered by as well as resources on David Mandel and others site, Safe& There's a new program available for a monthly (or yearly) subscription to  a "Web-based Perpetrator Pattern Mapping Tool."

There are also many programs available via podcasts

Get to the Amazing Story of David Young on a free audio via soundcloud

on Sat, 10/29/2022 - 18:38 is worth seeing to consider who is helping us in other realms...Thanks for all putting their efforts towards allowing for healing on all levels for themselves and others. I just spoke with someone and had an hour to explore many issues. has much to offer as well.

From Steven Greer's Version of the Future to What's Going on Now on Earth...A Big Set of What-If's and Survival Possibilities! No foolin'!

on Sat, 10/29/2022 - 05:32

First things first, Steven Greer gave a talk online recently saying there is a way to have a better source of power to help our planet and humanity waltz into the next critical decades rather than climb with our fingenails up the side of a rocky hill.

Rest in Peace, Narkis Golan, and Support and Love to her family who will hopefully care for her son after her custody win in Supreme Court

on Thu, 10/27/2022 - 16:14 is a site to check if you want another idea of 'what's going on' for you or any situation, including with your pets and relationships etc...

From NBC News as seen on yahoo, here is some of the concern when Narkis Golan died alone in her apartment two months after winning a Supreme Court battle to keep her son in America with her for safety, saying she could not easily get a divorce because in her Jewish faith, her husband had to allow that and give her "a get". It sounds like the extra layers of trouble Catholics go through to have a marriage annulled by the church or

Signs before Churches saying Spare the Rod...and forcing G-d in a fearful way...

on Wed, 10/26/2022 - 20:13

Somone on FB posted a sign in Arkansas that read..."Use the rod on your children and save their life...Ye must be born once of flesh and once of spirit". A few of us chimed in that we have heard more about 'the rod' in the context of discipline and wisdom, not hitting and hurting.
