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Rest in Peace, Narkis Golan, and Support and Love to her family who will hopefully care for her son after her custody win in Supreme Court

on Thu, 10/27/2022 - 16:14 is a site to check if you want another idea of 'what's going on' for you or any situation, including with your pets and relationships etc...

From NBC News as seen on yahoo, here is some of the concern when Narkis Golan died alone in her apartment two months after winning a Supreme Court battle to keep her son in America with her for safety, saying she could not easily get a divorce because in her Jewish faith, her husband had to allow that and give her "a get". It sounds like the extra layers of trouble Catholics go through to have a marriage annulled by the church or

Learn About Abuse and Legalities of Marriage and Parenthood Today

on Sun, 09/24/2017 - 15:00

Online this morning, I read about Jack Sheedy who was happily married to Jean Sands later in life. She passed away from painful illnesss but had written poetry for two books, the most recent is called Close But Not Touching" and the former one "Gandy Dancing" (2009). The latter  Jean was able to get published and the other not quite.

In the Republican-American CT newspaper, Jack says throwing out her work would have been like letting all her work be for nothing. He wanted to honor her efforts which would have been a gift to him by making it a gift for her.

Response to Berkshire Edge article by Jennifer Browdy to form Mom's Group against Gun Violence after the Oregon shooting (and 'To Stop the Killing of Innocents')

on Thu, 10/08/2015 - 22:51

We can’t let a few (thousand) bad apples (madMen with Guns) spoil the bunch of US-All in the United States of A-Miracle…Yes, we need ‘mothers and others'(as Meryl Streep and Others noted to prevent the use of dangerous herbicides such as alar on apples..or at least warn people and encourage peeling and many other initiatives.

Maybe they can join the many fighting for Gun Control Laws and ReVisions… How can the existing networks collaborate effectively to reframe much of our societal woes and options to slow the destruction of people and plan-it heart?

Equal Right to Marry Exciting (Yet that Also Means Equal Right to Abuse, Divorce and Other not so great stuff about Marriage)

on Sat, 06/27/2015 - 20:32

Originally thinking this out on Facebook but likely it did not post, so I copied and pasted..Sometimes a virus of sorts makes the post repeat, so I tried to edit and hope I did not cut out too much (hardly possible yet there are a ton of points to consider since the days of the 1980s when I started thinking about these topics, which was when 'coming out of the closet' was a big deal as was AIDS..and in vitro was a vague idea whereas now it will be more affordable to people as is the Plan B pill.