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livfully's blog

Kudos to NEW LIFE EXPO for going on! How cool is that? For 3 weekends in April 2020, Great Timing!

on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 14:41

This is part of the email I got from Mark Becker of New Life Expo..Great way to start off April 2020 with Lots to Look forward to!

"For the next three weekends (April 4-5th, April 11-12th and April 18th-19th) from 10:45am-4pm we will be presenting to you 10 speakers each day to help get you through this crisis in a conscious way for only $10 a day!" on Eventbrite.


"Since this is a live conference you will be able to ask questions of the speakers.

So, if the next NEWLIFE EXPO in NYC on May

Just the Meditation part (take a picture for instance) for 4/4/20 from 10:45-11:05PM (EST in the US) with ten min centering time before at 10:35pm

on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 13:19

From the website (google the title) Urgent Call for 1 Million Meditators. Take a picture of this text and practice beforehand and

please share far and wide on social media (more summaries on and nice short  videos online.) To shrink the text for a 

picture use Control minus (-).To read text in larger size, use Control button and plus (+). Now you should be good to go! Thanks

a bundle!

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to shift theplanet into the most optimal timeline and as a tool

All of this is from Another Website, "Urgent Call for 1 Million Meditators" (google that for original) Thanks a Bundle!

on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 13:15

ON APRIL 4, 2020
at precisely 10:45 pm EST

An open letter and cosmic invitation to spiritual leaders and influencers around the globe
(links and instructions within content of letter, so please read in its entirety)

On April 4, 2020 a tremendous Astrological Portal will open, through which humanity must UNITE AS ONE MIND, ONE CONSCIOUSNESS and by so doing take great strides in reclaiming our independence from the financial debt slave system instituted 700 years ago, dissolve the old world

Whose Ready to be Part of the Healing Shift on Apr 4th at 10:30 to 11:05 PM (EST in the USA such as NY). Google "Urgent Call for 1 Million Meditators"

on Mon, 03/30/2020 - 01:19

 We need a million meditators...following a meditation and details that can be found here... This amazing inspiring and powerful possiblity....Let's Go for It!  The hope is people will be calm and meditating from 10:35-10:45 PM (ten minutes to get in a relaxed state of mind) then focusing on the 20 minute mediation beginning on 10:45 until 11:05 PM EST, USA time (with other times in sync around the world.)

Thanks for sharing far and wide, even if not accustomed to such things..I did one in July or 2007 with and found it very helpful, returning

Robin Rice Reads 'Very Nice'ly on her site and live, See

on Mon, 03/30/2020 - 00:53

Lots of ways to network but an extra special way is to hear someone read a book. Yes, there's audible, but RobinsBooks is a free offering, live and with recordings (so you like I can catch up as we can...) Thanks to all doing there part and keeping others in their thoughts for healing and helping on many levels... Peace and light as spring arrives more fully.
