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livfully's blog

Thinking Globally and Connecting Online with

on Tue, 03/24/2020 - 19:57

Here is a message from an email from that I received today about a meeting online that will be held Thursday, March 26th at 8:30pm EST with replays available. See their site to sign up or donate (or both.) The call is free and yes, I plan to be listening, How 'bout You? Hope so! Best, Catherine, blogger at and

"This is a time for building community so I’m going to start by introducing myself. My name is Lindsey and I’m the new Chief Program Officer here at Greenpeace.

Considering some responses that 'social work systems work fine and for the best interest of the child...'

on Tue, 03/24/2020 - 16:56
From a public FB forum, I got a response to the previous post (a shortened version of it...)
"Catherine, you've offered a lot of food for thought here, and I'm so sorry about the loss of your brave son. I must however, take exception to your sweeping generalization about social service agencies blaming the victim and siding with the abuser. As a social worker and foster parent, I can assure you that each situation is assessed on an individual basis with the well being of the child and safety of the abused paramount.

Responding to the COVID19 Crisis with More Community Support for Many Kinds of Challenges (in relationships, life and even death)

on Tue, 03/24/2020 - 13:35
Thanks Great Barrington MA for sharing on FB that the town leaders are keeping in touch to address many of the current challenges the community is facing due to the March 2020 COVID19 mandates and realities.

Want to Go to Business School Together Online (for just a few days and less than $20 which goes to the Red Cross?) Yes, Me Too!

on Mon, 03/23/2020 - 22:27

In the midst of watching the latest on the world issues, I came across the ASK Method with Ryan Levesque who was offering a great system based on his book The ASK Method.

The ideas he explores involves who one is serving, what current needs are presented for your clients to assist them now. New programs and such may be launched whether for small amounts or larger ones. In the midst of hearing of concerns about how to help businesses cope, it makes sense to get inspired.

So without telling you what he's doing which isn't really okay to do, I will invite you to join in an exciting important

Online Folks, Live Calls, Replays and Inspiration

on Mon, 03/23/2020 - 06:00

Hope eerybuddy can find  some inspiring youtube videos, live FB, replays and current meetings from various thought leaders and updates on COVID19 and other concerns and ways to think about things, even the nature of our beings (whether mainly spiritual or 'just human' in our physical form. Many of those questions are explored in other posts on this blog and again online.) 

 Now for some inspired reflection..almost another post really but I typed it out, so here it is..While this involves reflecting on our teen son's passing in 2009, just consider the larger topics raised about
