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livfully's blog

Thinking 1+1 Positively for Home Study and Living and Learning TwoGether!

on Sun, 03/22/2020 - 18:07
With discussions about how to help kids adjust to homelife, some say forego a schedule and have fun to transition... Others say some with special needs benefit from more support and structure..I chimed in with the following and hope More Folks Make Their Own Community FB pages (maybe one for moms, one for dads and so on or with those in one's class etc, however one feels it makes sense but to put everyone's safety the former post too on that.. And Thanks A Bundle for Stayin' the Course of Life with an Eye Toward Healing and Helping Oneself and Others Reasonably...)
It's helpful

Waking UP to the Tragedy and Hope in Our Circles for US All, re COVID19 in March 2020

on Sun, 03/22/2020 - 17:36
Sadly, recently this young amazing woman Britney Ujlaky with a special talent working with horses and being a friend to many met a tragic end, likely at the hands of someone she knew for years and thought of as 'a big brother.'
She told her Dad that she'd beat him home and was getting a ride with this guy, who was 18 while she was 16. The pictures of her and her friends on her FB in her Nevada rural setting show her ties to friends and horses, two of whom she called her babies and made sure they were rode daily.
She is one who 'got Home' before her devoted Dad and many who had the

Free 22 minute relaxation from Thomas John

on Sun, 03/22/2020 - 02:53

With many emails offering insights into this new set of challenges, it is always pleasant to hear of something that can help... even some 'quick fixes...' Some are easier than others, but when they are free, that's a bonus. Thomas John is offering a 22 minute relaxation 'reset' guided talk... You can get it on his site,

He is also offering a four-part program, once a week starting March 25th, 2020 for just under $20. Not sure if there are replays etc, but see the site for more info.

Raisin' Good Vibz is a Service to Others As Well (and Good for our Health),Hear More from Panel online

on Sat, 03/21/2020 - 15:22

Hello to All on 3/21/20 with a special panel on the WellSet Company site..I will try to share the link in another post...when I just did I lost this one..but Thankfully a Vassar friend told me on our FB page a while ago that pressing Control Z could bring back a prior screen!

After a couple of tries It Worked. Something Else I had copied before copying the link to the talk had Replaced this post... so getting this back is The Big Win of the AM for me and all of you who appreciate what I'm doing.

Don't Harm Families, Help Them by Holding Perpetrators of Family or Partner Violence Accountable. Show Support for Victims and Their Child/ren.

on Fri, 03/20/2020 - 21:18

 Safe & Together  Institute is a revolutionary make-over of downward spirals that victims of abuse find themselves in if they are involved with a controlling, abusive, manipultive, neglectful or violent 'other person' (or partner, other parent, spouse or other significant person in a victim and family's life.)

Let younger children learn the New Better Way of comprehending these difficult patters and trends. Maybe more 'future abusers' will stop themselves from going down that 'downward spiral of despair and trouble.'

These concerns are worldwide and likely highlighted by the COVID19 crisis
