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livfully's blog

Checking what and are saying about COVID19 and ID2020 (microchipping and forced vaccinations)

on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 18:56

 I am not endorsing what is said on either site but feel everyone should be able to consider their ideas which draw on various sources they name... I am summarizing some of the points they make..None of these are my comments or opinions.

Peter Konig wrote a provacative piece that reports covers. Peter Konig (not sure of the spelling) is a former world bank economist. The report some suggest many may have already been 'chipped.' They say this could be a form of 'bioterrorism' in terms of the West being short of everything mode.

"Love Will Never Fail Us"-- from a song shared by Caroline Paton (1932-2019) at her grandson Kaelan's Memorial Service (2009)

on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 15:29

 This link is to the first part of the memorial service on for Kaelan (Alexander Palmer) Paton. I will share more in a bit about Kaelan and the last part of his wonderful life as a country kid with many skills and nice highly adventurous friends in the northwest rural hills of CT. Much was covered in The Lakeville Journal of CT as well.

 In this first part of his service, his paternal grandmother Caroline (Swenson) Paton sings a moving song about the power of love. She lived most of another decade in good health.

From a NewNormal3/2020 post on the memorial FB Page for Kaelan Alexander Paton

on Thu, 03/19/2020 - 13:09
Let's start brainstorming about ways to make life better in light of this new learning opportunity (aka challenge) of COVID19 Game On (#CO19GO!)

NewNormal3/2020 is a topic I am naming to mark this time of #CO19GO! (COVID19 Game On!) to help everybuddy think in terms of dealing with life not only 'on 'life's terms' but with an eye to the silver linings...and hope and trUSt things will get better day by day and with more connections via social media and calls...and all sorts of things.

Let's list some Positives that are part of our lives and communities...past, present and future! See more on 

Scoville Library of Salisbury CT has great Youtubes (for kids stories and big people's talks too)

on Tue, 03/17/2020 - 02:37

With kids out of school, check out the stories from Erin Simmons from years past on youtube on the Scoville Library's site Here's a nice sample from March 2013, and features The Little Red Hen, a nice theme for everyone as we face COVID19 or #CO19GO (Game On!) Also check out the adult programs recorded over the years. The Salisbury Forum as well as Kent Presents have recorded speakers worth a listen. For fun for all ages, see the Grumbling Gryphons online. That's for starters...
