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More on Organ Donation, Renewing a Driver's License and Not Knowing What Happens After Our Brains Stop (and then Hearts)...for three days..hmmm

on Thu, 04/06/2017 - 20:44

The other big thing (and Big Think)to remember about renewing a license for driving (at least in CT to avoid a $25 late fee,, a fairly recent expense) is to renew or discontinue your Organ Donor Status. We've all heard remarkable stories with many grateful recipient families.

 We've had 'local heroes whose families and likely with their input beforehand' went on to become these most generous gift-ers. With all this, there likely is still more to learn and consider In Advance ideally of signing up, renewing or proceeding.

CT Drivers Licenses (and likely many other states') Need to be Renewed or Pay Penalty, "Happy Birthday' (generally it will be on a birthday, and can be done for 2 or 6 years in CT for instance)

on Thu, 04/06/2017 - 17:42

Guess whose due to renew their driver's license/ That'd be me Before my birthday this year, according to the notice I received, Very important to Check the Mail and maybe even keep track of such dates which come around erratically. Easier said than done for some, maybe there's an app made or in the making for That.

Some folks are more computer and organizatonal savvy than others, so another good reason to have a buddy or team of support who assists each member with basic details when it comes to paperwork, health insurance, car insurance or other important timely payments such as car

Getting In Touch with your Inner Yogi...take online and in-person classes (or use a book or rock a baby with a gentle step, even pretend to)

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 19:41

Move With Grace is a lovely spot to do yoga (and even have a healthy drink) in Brooklyn NY. They run a  special of two weeks for $45 for unlimited classes...Anyone lucky enough to live close enough to it to take advantage of that offer (given time and basic flexibility though there are many offerings and one can work at their own level which is true of many fitness programs) would be wise to jump right in (or get in shape a little at home, maybe using the Yoga By Candace site and app or her book Namaslay.

When It's Hard to Disclose a Topic. Maybe it's best Not to do so to Authorities.. but Good to Get Support. A Mixed Messge? Kind of...

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 15:28

Tough topic to talk about or learn about..but worse for everyone if people are kept in the dark. Actually the idea of pressing charges as Senator Markey from NY and many others are seeking for adult survivors of sexual abuse as a minor or disclosing is one that needs a lot more reflection to help victims heal and abusers not repeat.

Likely they were harmed as youth (maybe not even old enough to remember) or got warped by our culture even if not abused or from good families (for the most part.)

If they get prosecuted and imprisoned, they like many prisoners will be put through the mill and

Maureen Moss on online program inspiring as is with Mary Campbell, Who Do You Get Inspired By?

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 12:44

When mostly staying put, one can find organizing one's day and even free time challenging. Being alone or only on the phone with someone is not the easiest way to socialize or feel connected.

What a treat to tune into some live or recorded programs with people who are exploring positive ideas, views of reality, ways to improve one's energy, mindset, feelings and sense of control or awareness of options (even if not quite ready to try much of what is described whether focusing or releasing ideas or simple exercises.)

That's likely enough for 'one sentence.' Now not everything necessarily
