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Does Trump Care About US? Guess Again if You Said Yes. A Friend's Plea to ASK Questions and Find Solutions While there's still Hope!

on Tue, 11/21/2017 - 00:56
Thanks for braving this challenging territory, my FB friend who implored us to think about what is happening before our very eyes under a Trump Administration. Closing down the EPA, allowing pipelines (and risking but also seeing the oil spills from them), dismantling many programs for basic health and even safety such as birth control or support for rearing children and So Much More. I shared the following as a response:..I explore a lot on my blog not with deep political insights since I'm not well -versed in that..but you could copy and paste your comments in a post

A Great Post from Another Site about the Generosity Economy and Intentional Community Info, Let US-All Go For It!

on Sun, 08/06/2017 - 11:56 may be a key to our sanity and survival (Thanks, Lisa for the tip, one of many!) 

The You Wealth Revolution had a physicist Peter Shenk speaking last night that covered points about 'as you believe, speak and act, so it is..." as well as how to up the positive frequencies of water, one's body and life... just  the basics to help get one's show on the road. I know a lot of that sounds like wishful thinking squared, but the cost of not cashing in on one's imagination, intuition and even ingeniousness is Costing Us Big Time.

Maureen Moss on online program inspiring as is with Mary Campbell, Who Do You Get Inspired By?

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 12:44

When mostly staying put, one can find organizing one's day and even free time challenging. Being alone or only on the phone with someone is not the easiest way to socialize or feel connected.

What a treat to tune into some live or recorded programs with people who are exploring positive ideas, views of reality, ways to improve one's energy, mindset, feelings and sense of control or awareness of options (even if not quite ready to try much of what is described whether focusing or releasing ideas or simple exercises.)

That's likely enough for 'one sentence.' Now not everything necessarily