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livfully's blog

There's No Business Like Your Business and Our Collective Show (and VOTE) Business with dollars and ballots for Every Election, but For Prez H Clinton and Democrats please on Nov 8th, 2016

on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 13:58

Get inspired with Patty Lennon's talk about giving and Receiving the flow of money and positive efforts and talents...She's not preaching politics (that's my dept apparently having heard from Elizabeth Esty of CT in person that WE NEED TO KEEP DEMOCRATS in power at all levels since the money from the other side could flood US-All to make Hurricane flooding look like mud puddles--that's my translation of the dire trouble she described only a month ago.

Even with Trump and other Republican agendas promoting a trickle down economy (where the rich get richer and the poor dream of surviving on

"Carl Jung coined the term 'Synchronicity'" fills in a lot of exploratory questions

on Thu, 10/20/2016 - 00:38

As the last Presidential debate kicks off shortly, I wanted to think of something 'positive'. I shared the rather alarming 'truths or huge possibilities to consider' in the prior post about Steven Greer, UFO expert and activist on Plan-It Gaia or Earth.

This movie on Synchronicity,, is tuning into people's everyday experiences (and not so everyday) of 'co-creating with the unvierse and others on the planet.

Another Big Why---Why are Things so Warbly At the Top (in Gov't & Faith groups and Countries at Large)?

on Sun, 10/09/2016 - 12:57

It's one thing to ask a question and another to 'answer it'. Maybe we can only guess, but let's try while we have a little time to do so.

Steven Greer (who deserves a batch of Nobel Everything Awards) has thankfully been joined by kind souls here and from elsewhere in the universe to get important messages out to help people first ASK questions even while asleep or in the What IF imaginative type games or thinking if one cannot actually allow oneself to wonder out loud or see any information on 'new topics that don't make sense and may not be real or even may be real."

 We are Level Zero in

Exploring which has a great offer Oct 10, 2016

on Sat, 10/08/2016 - 21:13

Lots of inspiring ideas on this website about The Dream Builder Program with Mary Morrissey. The cost is just under $500 for a twelve-part downloadable hourlong programs. There's also a few day event you get to bring a supportive friend to with you included plus some bonuses. Mary has a great deal of experience and a soothing, intelligent voice and presence. She had guests on since noon EST on Saturday, October 8th. The overview of her program is helpful so hope you can tune in. 

Whatever you are doing, consider the idea of having "partners in believing" and reflecting on your goals and
