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Dr. Steven Greer and Linda Moulton Howe disclosing things the US Presidents had not really learned about

on Sat, 10/08/2016 - 15:58

 Dinner parties with The Rockefellers and  in Arlington VA with CIA Director is among a host of meetings Dr. Steven Greer share he had. Why aren't the Presidents informed about space activity (UFOs, alien contact and more). He says there are many things the public and many world leaders are clueless about. One theory he shares is our planet is being used for another set of goals by alien entities and even some here on earth. He feels our country has gone through a 'coup d'etat" (and overthrow of the leadership) but a stealth, silent one.

Time Travel Anyone (to the Moon, Mars, the Future?) Been there, done that says one man with others on this interview.

on Sat, 10/08/2016 - 04:37

Get settled in away from kids or others who may be upset by some scary predictions of trouble brewing on our planet in 2018 and basically doomed by 2050 (if not sooner.) This link to info from Linda Moulton Howe interviewing a man who time travelled and reveals interactions with alien entities (The Grays). The Grays gave us much advanced info and technology. Listen during the day not right before bed as I am doing... and may the good forces be with you and US-All... peace, love and light


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Spreading the words to help put down the swords of despair, illness, dis-ease

on Fri, 10/07/2016 - 19:28

My posts on let people know of alternative healing modalities such as on the current and and

There is also in terms of 'what can help someone one minute to the give them hope and help them relax if not get a healing On Some Level--emotional, spiritual, mental or physical (or all kinds).

Why don't we let kids learn about this early in life along with their faith options...that there are many ways people have sought calm, balance, forgiveness and healing and health

If you haven't yet, You've just bumped into......, lucky you (if you are okay with looking at energetic and alternative healing modalities). Free for a short time so wanted to share..

on Fri, 10/07/2016 - 19:10

How is it that much of the world enjoys an array of support for healing on many levels and feeling connected while most folk among US-All are left in the dark and clueless, stuck only with medical models to treat emotional and physical ailments, and most social conflicts not even acknowledged?

Small wonder, Darius and others on his show,, indicate we likely have been trained to trust leaders and societal aspects that don't have the answers we need and aren't even interested!

In Arizona (or pick your state), when a well-established set of youth are forced back to their biological family when there was no reason to do so after many years

on Fri, 10/07/2016 - 16:28
These are challenging times on many fronts. I think the general public really has to become curious about what is going on in their state and the country. There are layers of wrongdoing in many areas, and while the truth about crimes should be clear to learn of or trace, that is not always the case.
Many families need interventions early on to prevent the immediate removal of children, especially longterm or permanently. In custody battles, many unsafe fathers are gaining ground. Many mothers have to allow for shared parenting or unsupervised time when that is a danger.
But what
