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Steven Greer

Towers of Love by Stuart Kabak, A Tribute to the Victims of 9/11 of 2001 NYC Twin Towers Devastation

on Sun, 09/08/2019 - 16:14

In the quiet town of Falls Village CT, two hours north of New York City, a few minutes from Hudson Valley New York and  the Berkshires in Massachusetts, Twelve Moons Coffee House is held from 7pm to 10 pm the first Saturday of the month. Last night I heard Stuart Kabak share this timely piece in tribute to the victims who suffered and those who are still facing medical and other fall-out from the world-changing event of the Twin Towers coming down and deemed an act of war (although the jury's still out on that one.)

I have shared that many reputable people have expressed serious concerns

Life Care Specialist...or "Elderly Care Consultant.." or End Of Life Doula (EOLD) roles all seek to assist people to face health challenges and declines in health and mortality...

on Sun, 01/13/2019 - 21:16

As part of a group of caring individuals who have taken trainings to become an "E-OLD" or  End of Life Doula (a support person in terms of information and care, not as a medical, legal or social service professional), we share many ideas.

One that is coming up is about 'what to call ourselves' in terms of what people can readily understand, consider and accept to help us connect with them in a caring, non-medical, non-legal yet professional manner. Some may feel 'all of this information' is online or easy enough to find with help from a librarian, a doctor or senior center or attorney.

Many articles on to review about 9-11 and Much More

on Sun, 09/30/2018 - 14:59 is a way to donate one time to Caitlin Johnstone who wrote a riveting piece about Bill Cosby's violation of others as an analogy for how our country violates the sovereignity of other nations. We don't want to be duped endlessly and she spells our some tough truths..with theories worth considering.( I do hope to set up a patreon account soon or one of these paypals since that's been my hope for eons and I've had the info...just something not falling into Deciding to Do It and Get Help Following Through!)

Also see the ideas online on other

Tricky 'stage craft' can convince us real strange things to create conflict...but worth learning about soon

on Fri, 08/24/2018 - 03:24

Stranger tales you likely haven't heard but no reason not to give a serious listen. These are important theories..and let's see what unfolds with our increased awareness. Check out Steven Greer's talk on Watch out for a False Flag Event...and not be fooled again!
