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Bill Cosby

Many articles on to review about 9-11 and Much More

on Sun, 09/30/2018 - 14:59 is a way to donate one time to Caitlin Johnstone who wrote a riveting piece about Bill Cosby's violation of others as an analogy for how our country violates the sovereignity of other nations. We don't want to be duped endlessly and she spells our some tough truths..with theories worth considering.( I do hope to set up a patreon account soon or one of these paypals since that's been my hope for eons and I've had the info...just something not falling into Deciding to Do It and Get Help Following Through!)

Also see the ideas online on other

After More Bad News of Misbehavior, Violations In the Work Place, Look at What Happens to Vulnerable Children in Family Courts or The Systems!

on Fri, 12/01/2017 - 13:59

 In addition to the problems among the rich and famous, there's new media coverage about BMCC issues, in documentaries such as What Doesn't Kill Me and in the CA Protective Parents Alliance site.

They explain how abusers in a custody battle (primarily
 male biological fathers) get sole custody (or primary or at least joint) of a child/ren whether there are abuse allegations or even more evidence.

The problems are linked to the lack of laws, the lack of follow through of laws that could protect children (and of course their Moms or even women in divorces or for other safety concerns in any