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Brooklyn NY

October Red Sneaker Highlights in Brooklyn NY in 2018

on Sun, 10/21/2018 - 03:36

The first pair of red sneakers I noticed in Brooklyn NY were worn by none other than famous auther Barbara Kingsolver! She was speaking at St. Joseph's College on Monday, October 15th, and I happened to get to her live interview, compliments of Green Light Bookstore. The podcasts of the talks will be on their website for you to enjoy watching barefoot if you like.

The mature, relaxed Barbara Kingsolver dressed in jeans and a casual long sleeved shirt (not tucked in) was personable and wise. The accomplished author on her first speaking tour for her new release Unsheltered was also lucky!

Moving Magic Makes Friends and Chairs Appear...Nice to Meetcha Along the Way

on Thu, 09/07/2017 - 03:18

Maybe it's no surprise to hear I meet people when I'm out and about in Brooklyn NY or the Northwest Corner of CT or on Metro-North going back and forth. This last trip found me in the first seat I saw since the ticket machine at the Wassaic station wasn't working

.( note: I just misspelled Brooklyn as Brooklny..but I like it and may use that on a T-shirt..what a conversation-starter That would be...), it could be BrooklNY, emphasize the importance --and coolness-- of Brooklyn as part of the NY Metro Area...)

I thought we'd be leaving promptly and I heard we could buy our tickets on

Bike Lanes, Concerns and More...

on Sun, 07/10/2016 - 02:11


This piece can also be viewed on Google Docs. I need to check to see how this would be easy to click on and get there, so this will remind me and maybe it would work even though not highlighted. I am learning computers at a painfully slow pace.. but maybe that's part of my process to encourage others to get on the schtick or the fast lane of acquiring skills...



A  June Summer Solstice Meeting to Turn the Tide of Bike Lane Discussions...or not necessarily for keeps, but to get community input after the Bike