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Recounting the magical sparks of love over a memory of the sweetness of youth, the bravery of a heroic teen and appreciation for our growth as communities

on Wed, 11/15/2017 - 15:35
everyone chiming in here or over the years (and all who attended his Memorial Service graciously held at Sharon Center School)..there is a lot I have explored on and over 30K have seen a post Remermbering Kaelan Alexander...with many other posts referencing aspects of our lives in those times and since
When someone dear to Kaelan took time to share a song I wrote to summarize his last acts of love and courage saving two of his teen friends from the HoUSAtonic River, others echoed their feelings of thanks and admiration for what a wonderful person Kaelan was and how it seems

Moving Magic Makes Friends and Chairs Appear...Nice to Meetcha Along the Way

on Thu, 09/07/2017 - 03:18

Maybe it's no surprise to hear I meet people when I'm out and about in Brooklyn NY or the Northwest Corner of CT or on Metro-North going back and forth. This last trip found me in the first seat I saw since the ticket machine at the Wassaic station wasn't working

.( note: I just misspelled Brooklyn as Brooklny..but I like it and may use that on a T-shirt..what a conversation-starter That would be...), it could be BrooklNY, emphasize the importance --and coolness-- of Brooklyn as part of the NY Metro Area...)

I thought we'd be leaving promptly and I heard we could buy our tickets on

Circus Thrills in Great Barrington MA to restore Fairgrounds with Volunteers

on Sun, 07/19/2015 - 13:27

Treat you and yours to a remarkable 'old-school' Italian 'International Family' Circus with a horse whose rider jumps over a flaming stick while standing on running horse's back! Sunday July 19th, 2015 marks the final two shows so look up for 15% off tix and enjoy the pre-show even if you can't afford more than the 5 bucks to park.

MA/NY CT Resources for Info, Events, Recommendations, Sites worth Checking (web and cultural)

on Tue, 02/17/2015 - 03:08

When all the world's abuzz with main stream media covering weather, major news events and lighter fare, it doesn't hurt to create local networks online to process ideas (as I do here on ) on Facebook, a town and regional website. Even linking info 'across state lines' makes sense to promote neighboring state program options.

The Tri-Corner area of MA/NY CT  can also remind more people to think about how when MANY Connect and share info, more happens.

Powerful HoUSAtonic Connections--MA/NY CT (many connect for US-All)

on Tue, 06/10/2014 - 21:37

While 9-11 brought the United States of A Miracle into a new sense of connection with the other states in the country, sharing not only the national loss but ties to neighboring states where families of the victims lived and felt the impact of the difficulty on many levels of a national tragedy.