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Four Decades Ago I graduated from 8th grade...and almost 3 Decades Ago Became a Parent...thinking of life time lines by the decades...

on Fri, 08/18/2017 - 04:24

Remember playing hide and go seek and counting by 5s to let people hide? We'd call out, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 (boy the numbers were getting up there...what comes next? Oh yeah..) 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 (surely, everyone's got a good hiding place by now and it could be hard to know where to start looking since everyone hides so well in our big yard around the house along the woods even with boundaries one couldn't go past..) 95, 100! Anyone Around My Goal Is It!

What if we thought about the numbers as Years of Our Lives, counting by 5s and 10s... It dawned on me that I

See the Bernard Center for Women, Politics and Public Policy with insights from Michelle D. Bernard. Kids and People on The Grow in Every Season of Life

on Thu, 05/12/2016 - 20:20

While I missed a lecture at St. Joseph's College in Brooklyn for free byMichelle Bernard from The Bernard Center, I heard it was  really good, so wanted to encourage US All to look into her website. Post a comment here if you like about what you learn, or I will circle back with more details.

St. Joseph's has some great affordable summer course offerings for high school juniors and seniors, as may many higher education schools or even high schools and other venues.