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George Floyd

What Can We All Think About (and Pray About) Doing in Light of the George Floyd Terrible Turn of Events and Actions and Inactions of the Police and Witnesses that Day?

on Tue, 03/30/2021 - 14:06

Added Note from a friend summarizing a doctor's letter to the editor: 

Dr Susan Hasti writes in the Star Tribune (of MN I believe)
Eric Nelson, Derek Chauvin's lawyer, is quoted in the paper
having written that "Mr Floyd could not breathe because he ingested a lethal dose of fentanyl..."
Medically this is not possible. An opioid overdose has an effect on the brain that suppresses the drive to breathe. 
A lethal dose of fentanyl would cause lethargy, no awareness of a need to breathe, and hence no struggle to breathe.
People under the effects of excess narcotics simply do not care if