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Kaelan Palmer Paton

What Can We All Think About (and Pray About) Doing in Light of the George Floyd Terrible Turn of Events and Actions and Inactions of the Police and Witnesses that Day?

on Tue, 03/30/2021 - 14:06

Added Note from a friend summarizing a doctor's letter to the editor: 

Dr Susan Hasti writes in the Star Tribune (of MN I believe)
Eric Nelson, Derek Chauvin's lawyer, is quoted in the paper
having written that "Mr Floyd could not breathe because he ingested a lethal dose of fentanyl..."
Medically this is not possible. An opioid overdose has an effect on the brain that suppresses the drive to breathe. 
A lethal dose of fentanyl would cause lethargy, no awareness of a need to breathe, and hence no struggle to breathe.
People under the effects of excess narcotics simply do not care if

Whose Ready to Treat themselves to Hopefully You and Those You Share This Amazing Resource With!

on Fri, 06/28/2019 - 00:28

Pooja Khanna, the delightful inspiring founder of has a glow and sparkle about her.

As do the handful of practitioners I met last night out of the dozens she has in her amazing network.

I will direct you to seek more information to encourage you to learn from their offerings online and in person in the NYC area (and likely some can do Skype or Distance work I imagine, but don't quote me.)

I will aim to learn more. I wanted to post what Pooja Khanna sent me but I haven't figured that out yet.

Still this should get you going that healing direction.

What follows is the back

Sharing At the Start of June 16th, 2019, Ten Years After Our CT Teen Son Kaelan Palmer Paton's Heroic Exit

on Sun, 06/16/2019 - 14:08


I have explored a lot about our son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton's earthly life and early exit from this world in CT at the Housatonic River falls in the northwest corner, very near NY and MA, an area that is a bit of a rural friendly set of communities special to be part of over my lifetime and raise kids in. There are private schools with people from all over the world attending in greater numbers.

There are colleges a half hour to an hour in many directions. There is a pace of living that unfolds over the years and decades as though in a play that never ends.

Celestial Sounds At Mystical 16 Concert by Crescendo in Lime Rock CT

on Sun, 05/19/2019 - 03:32

Amidst dynamic, colorful art openings in Falls Village CT, at Harper Blanchett's Blue Star Gallery on Main Street and Danielle Mailler's show of metallic painted sculptures and paintings, about 40 singers and musicians with the amazing conductor Christina Gevert brought 16 pieces of music to life to fill the hills with music.  With more information online, the details can be pondered and reflections shared. Based on the 116th Psalm, the healing  inspiring number of love, 16, was explored with reverence, depth and celebration.

There were a few times 'Allelulia's' resonated in the lovely stone

Lighting Candles of Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Faith and Healing...for US All

on Fri, 03/15/2019 - 01:18

When hearing of people passing without warning, or even when anticipated, we can naturally feel like we are in a void. 'What now?!" can be a question in the back of our mind and knocking around in our heart. How can I make sense of my life or of what happened..someone's passing in our circles whether close or a bit farther out can be very disconcerting.

How to 'rebalance' and remember our grounding values and find others to relate our experiences to and see how they are faring?
