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Kaelan Paton Memorial Service (on youtube)

Drumming Up Some Difficult Real Life Memories but mostly good fun with the Salisbury Hand Drummers (in CT, my hometown of all places)

on Wed, 08/08/2018 - 03:57

Plenty of people know sometimes it makes sense to 'make a little noise' to get your message out. Salisbury Hand Drummers take that 'little noise' to a thunderous level at times, shaking the rafters as it were and making people want to get up and dance..or at least tap their foot or clap their hands. Tempted? Facebook friend them online or if you are up for some real adventure, come over to a class session at the Scoville Memorial Library in Salsa-berry (aka Salisbury), Connecticut on a Tuesday night from 7-8pm. 

A $15 donation per class helps keep the remarkable teacher John Marshall

Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton

on Sun, 06/09/2013 - 05:15

(Pardon the formatting on this, I'll be working on repairing it soon.As with any post, to enlarge the text, press Control and + once or more.) There is also a FB page in Kaelan Paton's memory and his Memorial is on youtube. I have added to this piece periodically as I am doing with a new introduction on July 7, 2016.Over 30 thousand people have read some or all of this, so my appreciation is extended and hope it is helping people prepare for challenges or cope with ones they have lived through.

Many of these kinds of difficulties seem a sign of the times in which we live.