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Michael Jackson

Tough Decisions when it comes to 'Final Gift Giving..." Would One Want to Donate One's Organs, Have a Peaceful few Day Vigil with or without the donations first? What Kind of Burial? Tough Questions but Important for US All to put at the Top of the List.

on Thu, 11/30/2017 - 14:59

After reading that there are a million acres of land in the US for cemetaries..and that those are laden with metal, plastic, wood and more modern embalming fluids and mercuy in people's fillings as well as stones from the earth, I agree it's time to 'think Twice', especially since the Population has doubled since I was born just over 50 years ago (if I recall that stat.)

There are 300 million people in the US now (about 2020--and 8 billion on the planet heart), with the number only going up (and more people dying now since the baby boomers are seniors over 50 or 60. Men in particular tend