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The Reconnection

Summary of an hour talk on Death With Dignity or Compassionate Choices in MA efforts to pass a law

on Tue, 04/16/2019 - 01:25
  •  About a dozen people heard the presenters for a MA Death With Dignity Act which would give people who have terminal illness (verified by two doctors) with less than 6 months to live (more or less) who are of sound mind (with a mental health practitioner verifying that), two witnesses who are not related validating the person's request.

    The person would need to be able to administer their own strong barbiturate cocktail (by emptying vials into a drink they consume on their own.) That would cause a coma and death in about a half an hour...Don't mean to minimize what that is...just relaying the

CT Death With Dignity Bill Discussed...Feb 2019, some insights..

on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 15:40

I do think we need to have all options about assisted suicide as well as assisted ways to survive pain and difficulty (whether physical, mental, social, legal or otherwise) discussed and ideally have teams of people who are neutral but informed, compassionate people readily available to review the matters at hand. Many people are not familiar with various ideas about how to cope with life, death, possible quantum or spiritual aspects and much more... Pain is a big piece of the puzzle...and not an easy one by any stretch.

Many people are finding healing ways to cope with the pain with more

Reconnective Healing Global Webinar by Eric Pearl and Others --worth learning about

on Sat, 12/09/2017 - 18:44

 What would it take to do an international outreach to empower people in practical ways to meet and consider aspects of healing and a unique 'hands-off' (not touching a person) directly but working near them or doing a distance process? Some may think it would have be to organized by a worldwide organization, either for-profit or a not-for-profit. To train with the organizers in person over the last twenty years for a weekend or more might have cost a few thousand dollars...

Yet Eric Pearl and his teaching team and collaborators have engaged upwards of 100K people from many countries for

A Letter to Alternative Healers, People of Faith, Hope and Love...Let's Join Together to Help Heal Ourselves, The World and Say Thanks to Source (Yes, G-d, the Divine and be nice in the Universe)

on Wed, 06/07/2017 - 11:22
Hi, (to one Reiki trainer but also to people of faith and humanists, parents, teachers and people the world over... Thanks for sharing your gifts for healing with thee world. Have you heard of The Reconnection? Those 
'newer frequencies' are supposed to be 'even more encompassing than Reiki...' I think the large numbers of Reiki folks could readily accept the Possibility of the RC frequencies.
 If more 'alternative therapy' people join together maybe the world at large will allow for more 'lay people empowerment' and the leaders will come along more readily.

Guess Who Got to Go to the New Life Expo in NYC? That'd be me and hundreds of others, very cool folks and of course rather "A-Maze-Sing" presenters! Tune into the vibes...

on Mon, 03/20/2017 - 15:30

Of course I expected some wild and wonderful folks to be at the NEW LIFE EXPO in NYC when I went for a day. But I met a homeless fellow named Ryan who was across the street from the venue before I even got to it. He received a credit gift card with 'some value still on it'. I encouraged him to put it towards attending and learning, since it was 20 dollars for the day. I then helped a woman who was on her way to Israel) load two pieces of luggage into the trunk of a car a fellow was driving and who was stopped at a red light.
