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Safety Lessons from a Teen Tragedy

"How old would our teen son Kaelan have been this year (on Jan 6th, 2016..)?" a question not easy to answer,but the basic "23 years old, and he passed when he was 16 in 2009, trying to save a friend..."

on Wed, 01/06/2016 - 20:23

Safety Lessons and Insights from a Teen Tragedy is another title I'm adding after going off on important tangents..many of these pieces, write themselves and I have no time to edit now. Remembering Kaelan and Yellow Medicine Dancing Boy and Comments have other parts of the story of Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton.

One of the many unforseen things a parent or other person thinking of a loved one or someone who has passed is figuring out 'how old they would be now..." whether when a birth date anniversary comes up or if some want to note (whether mourn or celebrate or do some of each) or other