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summer solstice

Hot Off the Internet Press, New York Make Music Day (6-21-17) and Month of June

on Wed, 05/17/2017 - 19:22

As great as it is to learn of these exciting musical events and opportunities, it's even Better to Share the News.

Who's on Humanity's Team? They have great offers for free and for purchase year-round. Here's one for Summer 2016

on Fri, 06/17/2016 - 17:01

The following is from Humanity's Team, an online outreach and huge global network, to send to friends in an hope I'm still within guidelines since I consider you all my friends. These are the kinds of talks I hoped would happen thirty years ago and which the internet makes as easy as calling a friend up or watching a show online (or television which is something that was a wonder in its day.)

The secret many are sharing are that We Are  The Wonders of Our Day and World.