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Time Travel

"Horse Hugs" inspired reflection after a photo a mare adopting a young foal as her own, both having lost their respective family shortly before...Let's Support One Another and Be Grateful for Life!

on Wed, 06/28/2017 - 17:51
We sometimes need to messages to come in many forms (such as animals befriending each other when a young one needs nurturing such as a foal needing a new mom, or even grown animals becoming pals and helping each other whether we hear of such or see a photo or video). These messages can speak to our hearts to help us humans understand how deeply connected we are not only with other humans' Did any other women feel the Big Wave of Motherhood during pregnancy and birth, holding one's first child and/ or nursing or feeding their child--and that could work for those not birthed but still in the

Time Travel Anyone (to the Moon, Mars, the Future?) Been there, done that says one man with others on this interview.

on Sat, 10/08/2016 - 04:37

Get settled in away from kids or others who may be upset by some scary predictions of trouble brewing on our planet in 2018 and basically doomed by 2050 (if not sooner.) This link to info from Linda Moulton Howe interviewing a man who time travelled and reveals interactions with alien entities (The Grays). The Grays gave us much advanced info and technology. Listen during the day not right before bed as I am doing... and may the good forces be with you and US-All... peace, love and light


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