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Linda Moulton Howe

"Where is our place in the cosmic neighborhood?," Luis Elizando at event in NJ July 2018 will explore that question

on Fri, 05/25/2018 - 15:32

To see the basic Big Announcement about a Pentagon Project from the leader of that looking into possible aliens and UFOs...see Hope to put more on soon, but there's a $50 discount if you sign up before June 1st, 2018 (and get another bonus...)

See online Linda Moulton Howe..."Think of the earth's relationship to all the other places (geopolitical governments have been using the earth as laboratory...) We may be a part of something Much, Much bigger (Ebans--maybe liars who can manipulate time and others...) Check out Steven Greer's info and Disclosure also as

Does Trump Care About US? Guess Again if You Said Yes. A Friend's Plea to ASK Questions and Find Solutions While there's still Hope!

on Tue, 11/21/2017 - 00:56
Thanks for braving this challenging territory, my FB friend who implored us to think about what is happening before our very eyes under a Trump Administration. Closing down the EPA, allowing pipelines (and risking but also seeing the oil spills from them), dismantling many programs for basic health and even safety such as birth control or support for rearing children and So Much More. I shared the following as a response:..I explore a lot on my blog not with deep political insights since I'm not well -versed in that..but you could copy and paste your comments in a post

Linda Moulton Howe, A Stanford-Educated TV Investigative Journalist, a national heroine for braving tough topics..How about the rest of US?

on Thu, 09/14/2017 - 18:37

 Since 9/11/01, life in America changed for everyone. No longer was there a safety net of 'being in big city with predictable norms, maybe some storms, but not Terrorist Attacks!!' Same with the idea of getting on a plane.

Time Travel Anyone (to the Moon, Mars, the Future?) Been there, done that says one man with others on this interview.

on Sat, 10/08/2016 - 04:37

Get settled in away from kids or others who may be upset by some scary predictions of trouble brewing on our planet in 2018 and basically doomed by 2050 (if not sooner.) This link to info from Linda Moulton Howe interviewing a man who time travelled and reveals interactions with alien entities (The Grays). The Grays gave us much advanced info and technology. Listen during the day not right before bed as I am doing... and may the good forces be with you and US-All... peace, love and light


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