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April 29th, 2017 People's Climate March in DC and as Others Arrange for US-All! See for more info

on Thu, 04/20/2017 - 14:52

I get lots of email I never open. When I catch something in the mix that sounds like 'this could make a HuGE difference, and I have minute to read it and say something about it on my blog,, I do. Do you? Why not FB share or call a friend about one or two cool things locally or farther afield.

The difference between 'farther' and 'father' is one "r"...what are you doing to speak to the 'farther' of our country? Tens of thousands will show up on Trump's doorstep (in DC anyway) pleading and protesting to see that the, seas, water and air, are protected since Our Lives Depend On It, red, white, yellow and critters and plants too.

Thanks for doing your part to "live simply that others may simply live" as my a favorite bumper sticker read on my Valiant Falcon car (am I remembering that brand right?) from the 1980s...Those were the days, my friends....Happy Dreaming Out LOUD!!


Thanks to ALL who are part of the Marches for Climate Awareness and realizing The Climate Change Is Happening...not to deny concerns but rather to rise up and resist efforts to silence the warnings we are all being given.

We need to use the Adult Part of ourselves (versus the child or zombie part) to Really Care A Whole Lot about our earth, other people, our own part in everything and lots more (like nature, resources, HOW we live and Plan to accommodate huge numbers of people on the planet and more...). What we do VOLUNTARILY by educating Ourselves and Others can have a timely helpful Ripple Effect...and hopefully direct our leaders to see the light, including POTUS TRUMP.

We Can and Must Do Better at having a clear cohesive plan and quit the tug-or-war or no-play mentality in Congress. Thanks to Elizabeth Warren and many other leaders facing the music and to any who can help Trump see the bigger picture for not only our country but the world scene.

Of course N Korea tuning into decent behavior and more. Meanwhile the cherry blossoms are doing great in drop in and bring a smile, water, snacks and all supplies for your crew!

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