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Good Luck to All of Us Getting Our Earth Ship in Order

on Mon, 11/04/2019 - 19:10 is a great organization that's been sounding the alarm and organizing efforts for decades. Let's join these programs to feel empowered to create a more sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come. Who's Game?

Basic Public Education and Opportunities Could Help US All Figure Out Plans for Plan-It Heart for housing, caring for people and working too

on Thu, 11/09/2017 - 21:00
Hopefully when more people understand the big picture of what needs doing (and what's been done to keep us from realizing that...) more people can feel empowered to use their basic skills and interests to improve our communities, states, country and world.
We tend to do 'too little too late' and not see the trouble coming. Some basic problems like 'affordable housing' and more need to be addressed as well. The new success model is shifting toward one that is living with respect to having larger populations and fewer resources available to the masses.

April 29th, 2017 People's Climate March in DC and as Others Arrange for US-All! See for more info

on Thu, 04/20/2017 - 14:52

I get lots of email I never open. When I catch something in the mix that sounds like 'this could make a HuGE difference, and I have minute to read it and say something about it on my blog,, I do. Do you? Why not FB share or call a friend about one or two cool things locally or farther afield.

The difference between 'farther' and 'father' is one "r"...what are you doing to speak to the 'farther' of our country?

As Soon As Many of US Heard About the "Shooting (Not Killing, thankfully) Done at Comet Pizza" we all had to pause and reflect..

on Sun, 12/11/2016 - 02:16

First off, sincere condolences to all fo the people affected directly by the incredibly dangerous actions of the gunman who wanted to take matters into his own hands by driving a few hundred miles and firing a gun in the pizza restaurant in DC that was at the center of allegations online of running a crime ring against minors.

If it hadn't been the rash of 'fake news' (though many are debating who is declaring what true or false still, and how will we know 'for sure' what's what), the person, a man in this case, likely would have hurt someone due to his perceptions and taking severe actions

Permaculture Princes and Princesses..Anytime You're Ready Walt D (or new Presidents to implement these inspiring, necessary ideas into education),a Show (or program) About the True Heroes of Plan-It Heart would be Nice, Smart and Life-Saving!

on Sun, 11/13/2016 - 04:53

Who is gathering on rooftops and at Randall's Island in NYC, weekend after weekend to learn hands on and sit through hours of lectures and slide shows about remembering: WE.ARE. ON. EARTH!

That would be a group of about two dozen folks taking a Permaculture Class with Andrew Faust (applause, applause for ALL working along those lines, students and those interested, so hopefully that means YOU too!)

 Every student (even googling info and watching a few videos, worth a few minutes of your precious time on a monthly basis or more) gets their time and money's worth.
