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Climate Reality Project, Friends of Urge Activism and Support (yes $$$)

on Tue, 08/13/2019 - 18:52

While 'we've all heard of climate change' and have seen evidence of coastal flooding (where 40% of residents live with predictions for higher numbers still), we may not know 'where to turn for reputable information' and key ways to get involved.

Thanks to the outreach online, The Climate Reality Project and Friends of are making some headway in getting the word out. We are on the clock, and 'turning back the hands of time' is what we can strive to do to buy us precious years and decades...but it won't be easy.

April 29th, 2017 People's Climate March in DC and as Others Arrange for US-All! See for more info

on Thu, 04/20/2017 - 14:52

I get lots of email I never open. When I catch something in the mix that sounds like 'this could make a HuGE difference, and I have minute to read it and say something about it on my blog,, I do. Do you? Why not FB share or call a friend about one or two cool things locally or farther afield.

The difference between 'farther' and 'father' is one "r"...what are you doing to speak to the 'farther' of our country?