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Doe-A-Deer Chakra Clearing Song..shares Jen McLean on her free talks Yet More Discussion about Domestic Abuse needed to help the Systems Respond Appropriately

on Sun, 12/18/2016 - 14:28

 Jennifer McLean is braving a lot of sensitive, serious territory. She promotes the ideas of Carl Jung's sense of 'we are one, we are each contributing to the whole in a unique way." She also uses the idea that we are each a puzzle piece that  is informed by our soul's expression of divinity.

Healing and Helpful Ideas, plus quick overview on Jesus as healer

on Tue, 08/02/2016 - 17:09

As with many posts, this flows like a river of ideas so works well to view in this link from Google Documents.Explore using that with a librian or other trusty friend at a library, just for safety and support. Here's to your health and wellness on all levels.These are all my opinions and summaries so do not take as advice or gospel, thanks.

One point I didn't have time to make is that unfortunately as the late Mr.

Congratulations Graduates from HVRHS and Elsewhere."The Future IS Now" Wonder Beings One and All...

on Thu, 06/16/2016 - 14:28

Best wishes to this and every graduating class of Mountaineers from the 75+ year old Housatonic Valley Regional High School or Housy.  I happened to have a nice shirt with that logo on the back as part of remembering Kaelan's passing on 6-16-09 which hopefully all can help educate others about in terms of planning for safe, sensible good times, Scout's honor and cool Kaelan remembrance kind of thing, we good on that legacy point? 

There are many from each community who have struggled or had to bid loved ones an earthly farewell who we can always seek to support and extend a moment of silence

Finding inspiration as April begins with reverent remembrances...

on Sat, 04/04/2015 - 01:16

Once again our communities have had hard losses to bear over the winter as well as when spring returns.

Great offerings on for healing and much more!

on Mon, 10/13/2014 - 13:36

Dear Cyber Friends,

WIth so many people and countries trying to comprehend the big changes in our world and in humanity, it's nice to hear views from many resources. David Adelson on and on youtube has been doing special work for decades and now has a convenient way to help people, towns, states, countries and the world at large with 'healing offerings and consults'.

Some  art and silent CDs and such can help shift mood, energy and such which are available on The Simplest Ways too I think. I like too.Check out and for kicks
